16 September 2008

hot FUCKING damn, baby!!

Oil your guns up, brothers! It very well could be coming.

$700 billion dollars in wealth lost in a day. Poof! Gone literally overnight... To give you some perspective, that's as much money as we spend on foreign oil in an entire fucking year.

That's right, Patriots! Every single dollar that you and every other suburban and urban dwelling idiot spends on gas for your gleaming SUV in an entire year across the entire nation vaporized yesterday. One day. A handful of Wall Street elites wiped out as much wealth as the entire nation ships to the terrorists in petro-dollars in an entire year.

Who are these people? These are the economic royalists of which FDR spoke. These are the robber barons who murdered coal miners by the dozens in West Virginia in the early 1900's. These are the same people who fought the 40 hour work week, fought against child labor laws, fought any unionization.

It doesn't matter where you are in the political spectrum. The stark facts of history tell us that if it weren't for the blood of the union movement in this country that we would all be working 80 hours a week for little pay and absolutely no benefits. Our children would work in factories if the elite had their way.

How do I know this? Because they have children working in their factories all over Asia. They can't do it here any more, so they outsource their child labor to poor countries in the Pacific Rim. They laid off your uncle five years before retirement so they could pay some poor child 5 cents an hour to work in atrocious conditions. Because they're brown.

Not really. They'd do it to your white American kids, too... if they could.

Now they cry for a bailout after inventing irresponsible mortgages to keep inflating to ballooned housing market of the last 10 years. Wages not matching the rise of housing? Here's an ARM. Here's an interest-only loan. Here's a NINJA loan (No Income No Job Applicant) for you immigrants.

"Hey! I have an idea, Tad!"

"What's that, Theodore?"

"Let's package up these shakey mortgages into overvalued securities and sell them at 20 to 1 over their face values on the international markets!"

"Will people buy them?"

"Well, we're Bear Sterns, Tad... even if these securities go bust we'll just get the taxpayers to bail us out!"

Motherfucking hell. They've done it again. Do you think the brakes can truly be put on this massive downturn overnight? No, sir. This thing will have momentum. How much is hard to say at this point.

Oil your guns, brothers. For tomorrow could be the beginning of the end.

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