28 April 2009

North Cackalacky Visitor

My buddy from North Carolina came up to visit this past weekend. I lived in Raleigh during the dot com boom back around 1999 to 2001. I had my first tech job at that time and through a coworker I was introduced to a whole new crowd of folks. "E", as I'll call him, was one of those folks. He's the only one I still keep in touch with from those days.

In any event, once or twice a year either he'll come up to Virginia for a visit or I'll slide on down North Carolina-way. This time he paid us a visit.

Friday night we made the local brewery beer tasting rounds. We went to Blue Mountain Brewery and had many, many beers. We then swung on down to the South Street Brewery (affectionately known locally as the "Soussed Street Brewery"). After that it was off to Beer Run - not a brewery but a must on the beer Mecca rounds in the central Virginia area.

Saturday we mainly hung out around the house. E and I did some errands - got some lures at Dick's Sporting Goods, picked up a batch of California Common at the Fermentation Trap, dropped off recycling, and then went home. I whipped up the California Common and tossed it in the carboy to ferment.

We had a nice dinner - Apple Ginger glazed chicken on the grill, home made cornbread, and a salad along with multiple whiskey-n-coke drinks. Follow that up with some homebrew Oktoberfest, and then a sampler 12 pack of Victory Brewery beers and we were all lit up like three Christmas trees. Me, E, and the wife that is.

Sunday morning E and I went out to Barboursville to shoot some targets. I brought Hilda (SKS), Cletus (Remington D870 Express), and Harry (Ruger GP100 .357). Here are some pics:


Me and Hilda

Me and Harry

A nice action shot with E and Harry

We were firing Fiocchi 12ga. 00 law enforcement buckshot

Cletus putting the hurt down on E

E using Hilda's BSA Red Dot site to terminate the target

09 April 2009

A Weekend with the Conway River, pt 3

Sunday, 05 April 2009

I slept like crap Saturday night. I dragged my arse out of bed at about seven-thirty. Coffee and camp slop. Mountain Dew (Electric Hillbilly Piss). In short order I was bright eyed and bushy tailed. Amazing how brisk air right off the bat along with massive doses of caffeine will utterly eradicate the effects of a bad night's sleep.

As I broke down my tent and gear I discovered my camera. It was in the foot of my sleeping bag. Who the hell knows how it got there? The only thing I could figure is that I must have bent over in the tent to pick something up and the camera fell out onto the sleeping bag. I must have then inadvertantly kicked it into the foot of the sleeping bag.

We had only two cigarettes left and those were gone in short order. So after breaking camp we headed out. At the entrance to the RWMA, we pulled over and Earl turned on his cell phone. Beep! Beep! Blip, beep!

Civilization had officially reestablished its noose on our necks.

<HAL>"Dave, you were away, Dave. Where did you go? I missed you. You should never leave me like that, Dave."</HAL>

Can I get a what, what from my sci-fi nerds? In the house with a 2001, A Space Odyssey reference! Oh yeah, and toss in an HTML reference for good measure. Dork-tastic!

We went for the first store we saw, needing nicotine by this point. Wolftown Mercantile Country Store to the rescue! It seemed like a cool little Mom and Pop operation. There was a large iron firestove in the middle of the room around which tables were situated. Some old men were at the tables drinking coffee, eating biscuits (they smelled delicious!), and playing cards.

There was a variety of ammunition under the glass of the counter - 12, 20, and 410 gague shot and slugs, 22 ammo, some 7.62 and .308. There was more, but that was all I got a chance to read. A variety of hunting and fishing gear adorned the shelves alongside normal convenience store fare. The door outside had a placard proclaiming this establishment as a Game Check Station. Cool. A great resource for future trips.

The lady that walked up behind the counter was kind of uncool, though. She either had a permanent sneer affixed to her face or she was doing a terrible job concealing her contempt for Earl and me.

I guess we didn't exactly look like the locals, but damn! I'm a Virginia native from Barboursville - not exactly a metropolis. Didn't she read my Hillbilly Haiku? Sure, I live in Charlottesville now. Yeah, it's a college town and, yes, I work for the University. But it's not like I'm a Professor of Gay and Bisexual Studies or even a professor, for that matter!

Maybe she was just having a bad day...

08 April 2009

A Weekend with the Conway River, pt 2

Saturday, 04 April 2009

I woke that morning at around nine o'clock to a very chilly 40 degrees. I got up, got dressed, and got motivated in short order. First thing was first - the GigaStove kicked out some boiling water quickly and coffee was set to brewing in my french press.

Next up was my patented "camp slop" breakfast. Cook up some sausage links, remove them from the pan, add butter and some whipped eggs, salt, pepper, cheese. I then cut up the links into bite-sized pieces and tossed them back in with the eggs. Cook and scramble them all up together. Voila - camp slop. Breakfast of Champions.

Earl and I ate breakfast and set about getting ready for a day of hiking and trout fishing. Here are some pics:
Earl sets up some bait

Earl and the Conway

Me all ready to go

Back at camp before we left
We spent about six hours or so hiking up and down the Conway River and casting into the few calm pools we could find. It had been raining on and off all week, so the river was up quite a bit. After the trip I looked into the Virginia website for Inland Game and Fisheries and found that we needed to go further up the river to find the trout. As it was, we hiked downstream from our camp.

Oh, well. It was nice to be out in Nature doing some fishing. Very Zen, very calming. We lost a lure and a hook/bobber set to branches and rocks. That's kind of par for the course for a day of fishing, though.

As we hiked along the river, we ran across a campsite that looked abandoned. It had an awesome rock firepit and there was even some cut firewood piled up. We decided to see if the place was still abandoned on our way back and then come back with the car for the firewood. I could easily make kindling from this stuff with my hatchet.

On the way back there was a family setting up for what looked like a picnic. We decided to come back towards dusk and see if they were still there. They were. Oh, well. We returned to our camp and began gathering firewood from the wooded slope just up from our camp.
We found plenty of firewood and even rolled a six foot cedar log down the hill. It was actually pretty dry. We used more cattail to start the fire, but this time used a three phase ignition system - cattail to trioxane bar to camp fuel. Fwoosh! Fire!
Sometime after we got back from our hike-n-fish, I went to grab my camera to snap a photo of something. I looked in my breast pocket, which is where I remembered putting the durned thing last. No dice. I patted myself down and then looked in my rucksack and tackle box. Shit!
I actually got a bit "panicked," thinking of the last place I used it on the hike. I remembered fishing from a large rock and having to cut my line after getting hung up on some rocks in the river. As I redid my line I snapped a photo of the river and put the camera down on the rock. I was almost certain I had picked it back up and placed it in my breast pocket. Crap! Had it fallen out at some point, maybe when I bent over to pick something up?
I gave up looking and decided that, on the way out, we'd have to stop by a few of our fishing spots and try to find it. It was about dinner time.

More brews, more grub, and some campfire hypnosis. We played Texas Hold 'Em since the wind had died down, but it was kinda silly since we didn't have any money or chips to bet with. Earl bet heavy and I always saw his "bet." Why the hell not? We followed that up with some War.


06 April 2009

A Weekend with the Conway River, pt 1

Friday, 03 April 2009

My buddy and I (we'll call him "Earl") went camping this weekend in the Rapidan Wildlife Management Area. I met Earl at his house around 1 o'clock... a half hour ahead of schedule. We enjoyed a beer, gathered some gear, and hit the road. A quick stop at the grocery store to pack the cooler and we were on our way to BFE, or Outer Mongolia, as I like to call it.

About twenty minutes north of The Bavarian Chef we arrived in Wolftown, Virginia. We passed the Wolftown Mercantile Country Store and five minutes later we arrived at the park. My cellphone beeped right around the entrance to the RWMA - no signal. Ahhhhhh.... we were now out of the reach of civilization.

We drove into the RWMA along a ridge into a valley in Earl's Toyota Corolla. The road was sometime very rocky, often crossed by fast moving streams, and was gravelled in places. The Conway River was visible to our left for much of the drive.

It had been raining on and off for nearly a week before our trip, and we could see that the river was very swollen. We continued to drive into the RWMA until we finally ran into a stream crossing that looked too dicey for the Corolla's low undercarriage.

Fortunately we found a great little spot right near the uncrossable stream. It was about twenty five feet from the river on a solid piece of high ground. The wind was whipping along the river and buffeting our campsite.

I had brought my six person tent, thinking the extra space might be nice. It's about 8x10... kind of like a bivouac or mobile command post. With the wind gusting like it was, setting up this monster tent was challenging.

I had to break out my uber-stakes to pin the bad boy down - no whimpy thin little aluminum stakes would do this night.... oh, no. After Earl and I got the tent stood up and staked down, it was time to setup the rainfly, which promptly about blew off. We fastened every little piece of velcro strapping and tied down every cord on the thing, but I was still less than confident that the rainfly wouldn't fly away in the middle of the night.

So I used some rope to lash down one side of the rainfly to a tree next to the tent and we made a little side shelter on the other side of the tent under which we could stow gear. Some carbiners, a little rope and one tarp later we had the other side of the rainfly secured.

Earl's tent was a small, one-man arrangement that you could only really lie down in. His tent was setup in a flash.

After the site was all set, we got the fire started. Gathering wood wasn't really an issue. There was plenty of standing deadwood around, so we had a nice pile of wood in short order. I had brought a tin of cattail dander (fluff? seeds?) because I read in one of my Tom Brown books that it was an excellent firestarter.

Basically, you harvest a cattail head... that bit that looks like a corn dog, right when it looks like it's starting to burst, or go to seed. Then take it home, let it dry out a bit if necessary, and then use your thumbs to break it apart. Make sure you have a container that is at least twice the size of the cattail you're harvesting because the volume expands massively.

In any event, it lived up to expectations and then some! We piled up a bunch of it at the base of the fire and Earl hit it with a spark from his flint and steel set and fwoosh! The stuff went up like napalm! I mean it really flared up. Unfortunately the wind was so harsh that we had a to use a touch of camp fuel (for Earl's lantern) to get the fire going well.

The heat reflector wall we built did a damn fine job helping with the heat. Basically we hacked up a log into two pieces of roughly equal length and used stones to stand them up against the firepit and then tied a reflective emergency blanket in between. It held up surprisingly well against the gusting wind.

Shelter and warmth attended to, we broke into the beer. Fine ales were at hand, too. We had some homebrew Belgian Ales (14), homebrew Nut Brown Ale (2), a 22 ounce Double Bock homebrew from my brother, some West Coast IPA (3), some Left Hand Pale Ale (2), and a twelve pack of PBR for good measure. Not that we drank it all that night or anything!

We basically sat around the fire, bullshitted and drank and then went to bed. I turned in a bit earlier than Earl... I was looking forward to a good night's sleep with no kids to wake me up early the next morning.

The wind continued howling all night, with the river's rush heard in between gusts of wind. At one point I woke up, dreaming I was being rolled into a giant's cigar only to find out that the wind had blown the side of the tent almost all the way over top of me. Between my sleeping bag and the tent I practically was being rolled into a cigar!


02 April 2009

Camping in the Rapidam WMA

A buddy of mine and I are going camping tomorrow afternoon and through most of the weekend in the Rapidan Wildlife Management Area. Click the thumbnail below to get a map. It basically takes up parts of Greene and Madison counties bordering the Shenandoah National Park.

I just got my state wide freshwater fishing license and trout fishing license. It wasn't too expensive... $36 all told. The brook trout fishing at the RWMA is supposed to be great. I hope to land a few trout. Maybe enough to bring a few home with me for dinner with the family Sunday.

Since I got my license, I figured fishing would be a good hobby to get into with my kids. I got my two oldest fishing rods from Sportsmansguide.com. I got a great deal on some beginner's gear. Click here to take a look, in case you're looking for some cheap entry-level rod-n-reel setups for your kids.

I'm also trying to rope my Dad into coming down from Maryland for a fishing/camping trip later this year. Maybe drag a brother or two along with us.

My fishing gear is really lacking, but for this trip a buddy of mine is lending us some of his tackle. I bought a basic rod-n-reel for myself... a Zebco 33. I got mine at Dick's for slightly less than what BassPro has it listed for. It's a decent enough rod that I could hand down to one of the kids if I decided to upgrade later on.

As it stands now the gear I'll be dragging in with me is way too much to fit on my back. Soon I hope to be getting into more hiking/camping trips where I have to pack in all my gear. I know there are certain items that could be jettisoned with no worries, such as:
  • Cooler full of homebrew!
  • Camp chair
  • Drop large 6 person tent in favor of a 2 person tent (saving about 8 lbs)
  • Trim down on first aid kit - the one I currently have could easily service a family of six for a week barring major medical emergencies (go figure - I have a family of six!)
  • Wool blanket (I have a sleeping bag)
  • Hatchet (if my commando saw works out) (UPDATE: The commando saw was an utter failure. Go figure - the site I bought mine from no longer carries it.)

Other than the list above, I generally pack:

  • An isopropyl cooker which folds up to about the size a large egg. My Giga Stove Titanium is very lightweight and extremely effective - one of the best camping gear buys I've ever made. I got mine at a local store for about 40% less than it's listed on the SnowPeak website.
  • I only ever carry one fuel cell, which is very lightweight and easily lasts a weekend.
  • My cookset is a lightweight stainless steel set (3 pans with lids).
  • 2 titanium mugs. Very lightweight, but I could leave one if I had to.
  • My plate and utensils are both lightweight. The plate could go if I packed some form of freeze dried food in pouches or MREs. But really, the plate weighs nearly nothing and takes up a negligible amount of space.
  • 1 person self-inflating sleeping pad (only if I had to drop it. I love that thing!!)
  • small coffee press (again - only if I had to. It's lightweight and takes up very little room)
  • A bar of soap in a waterproof container.
  • A small can of bugspray. It could go...
  • some waterproof matches. One or the other between this and the flint.
  • a flint and steel set (small). It would be more manly to keep this over the matches...
  • a small whetstone (which could probably go)
  • Roll-up, self-inflating pillow. Again - very lightweight and compact. It's not a necessity, but it has very little impact on weight or space and it fucking rocks.
  • Buck knife. A must have. That bad boy stays above almost anything else!
  • A zip-up journal pad with a deck of cards and pen. It could go, I guess.
  • My trusty Fuji digital camera. Small and lightweight. It fits in a breast pocket with room to spare. It would be a shame to not take pics of the beauitiful places I like to camp. I have yet to find a camera that has a better size to picture quality ratio. Probably a keeper even on "hardcore" expeditions.
  • 25' nylon rope. Never know when you might need some rope... pretty lightweight, too.
  • Sleeping bag. Duh, gotta have it.
  • A small LED lantern and a large LED lantern. I could choose one or the other. I'd probably choose the small one.
  • 2 bandannas. Keepers for sure.
  • Small hand-crank charged LED flashlight. Very dependable. A keeper even if I had to drop both lanterns to keep it.
  • 5 plastic stakes. Very rugged. These have come in handy so many times that I couldn't ponder leaving them.
  • Emergency insulation space blanket. Lightweight (like nearly nothing)... a keeper. A great insulator/heat reflector for the fire.
  • a small roll of TP (for my bunghole)
  • 2 gallon water bladder. Gotta have water.
  • 2-3 nalgene water bottles

Damn. I think that's it... that's a lot of stuff.

That's why it's best to hike-camp with a buddy. You could share a tent, cooking gear, lanterns, camera, matches, and other stuff and split that gear between the two of you. That means after the communal gear split all you have to carry is your own sleeping bag, food, water, and knife. It makes the weight distribution much easier to handle.