26 May 2008

I'll Miss Rock N Roll

One thing I'll really miss about modern industrial society is rock n roll. To hell with R&B and all of that crap "music" which is generated by a machine and "sung" over by some pretty face whose voice has to be run through a synthesizer just so you can listen to it without cringing.

I mean I'll miss rock-n-fucking-roll. Not those little boy-band "rockers" who are assembled by producers for the express purpose of imitating genres gone by and to get little teenage girls' panties wet. To hell with those guys, too.

I mean real rock-n-roll, man. The modern standard-bearer of Rock is, without a doubt, Clutch. If you are not familiar with these guys then you should make it a point to buy one of their albums. If you're into harder rock then I'd start with Transnational Speedway League: Anthems, Anectdotes, and Undeniable Truths or the album titled Impetus. If you like Blues-influenced rock then I'd go for From Beale Street to Oblivion or maybe Blast Tyrant. Into the Stoner-rock genre? Then you'd worship the tour-de-force albums titled Pure Rock Fury, Clutch (self-titled), or The Elephant Riders.

Once you buy one of these albums, you'll want more. They are the Alpha and the Omega of modern rock-n-roll. Yeah - I'll miss them and Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Mudhoney, Nirvana, Black Flag, and the Dead Kennedys (among many others).

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