09 July 2008

Gadget Pr0n

I got an iPod Touch recently. All I have to say is:

"Oh, God! ... ungh... jism!"

My wife laughs at me and says I'm turning into a Mac-fag. She's such a homophobe! I'm totally kidding on that one. In fact, she's a hag in need of a fag to pal around with. So seriously, if you're gay and you live in Charlottesville and you have no hag... boy, do I have the primo hag for you! Leave a comment and I'll give you my wife's contact info.

Haha! Like there are any gays that read this site! Guns 'n' hikin' 'n' campin' 'n' gamin' 'n' civil liberties arguments 'n' political rantin'... All things the gays like, right?

Anyways - it seems you can't discuss Apple technology without talking about the gays! That's why my wife is giving me crap about the deep and abiding love I have for my iPod Touch. I'm a pretty anti-Apple, pro-PC partisan when it comes to computing. I do not consider iPods computing, though.

To tell you the truth, the iPod touch comes as close to computing as any mp3 player ever has, though. You can surf the web on this thing via hotspots. There's a small selection of applications you can install on the device and a small array of built-in apps. I can check and write email from my iPod. I can get the weather at the touch of a button and stocks as well. So the iPod Touch comes close to computing.

Maybe you could call it limited computing, at best. The applications are more like a set of features than real apps, however. It isn't a computer until I can write and compile code on the device and not just for the device.

None of this detracts from the awesomeness of the iPod Touch, however. It is an amazing little device with the slickest interface I have ever seen on anything. Period. I haven't had to so much as open the owner's manual. That is the mark of a truly usable device. When you don't have to refer to the owner's manual at all then you know your UI is great.

So, in order to not be a playa hata I must give it up... Fucking awesome job, Apple.

Oh, word.

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