20 May 2008

I Wouldn't Wish it on my Worst Enemy

Whoever our next President is could spend their entire term doing any one of the following:
  • getting the economy on track again (not that they can do more than facilitate with sane policies)
  • getting us out of Iraq
  • repairing our massively damaged professional government bureaucracy
  • balancing the budget
  • repairing our crumbling infrastructure
  • addressing global warming
  • repairing our health care system
  • improving our limping education system
  • capturing bin Laden and taking down alQaeda
  • repairing our standing with our allies

...and the list goes on. In truth, many of these items are interdependent and would have to be tackled in parallel. I do not envy whoever takes the Oval Office next because, Republican or Democrat, you have to admit that Bush has massively screwed the pooch, so to speak...

I am actually an independent voter. In my day I have voted for some Republicans and some Democrats and to be honest neither party impresses me much these days. But the fact of the matter is that the Bush Years have been awful for this country in every measurable way.

To quote Patton Oswalt, "If the standard for impeachment is covering up a burglary or getting a blowjob shouldn't this guy have been dragged out onto the White House lawn and shot by now?"

I couldn't agree more and to that end the Republicans must be taught that this cannot stand. If the Dems won't grow a sack and impeach him and then try him then we as voters must reject the Republican policies roundly at the ballot box.

I don't care who you are - you have a reason to be mad at Bush whether or not you realize it. If you disagree with me I suggest you comment here and challenge any point I've made. I can back everything up and will do so gladly if it means lifting the veil from a fellow citizen's eyes.

Another brief list of reasons to be pissed at the Bush Administration and pity the next because they'll have to fix it:

About the intelligence community in the US... it needs to be fixed, yes, but only to undo what the current Administration has done. The responsibility for failing to prevent 9/11 doesn't lie with the agencies themselves but with the political arm of the Administration. They were warned and when it bit them in the backside they shifted blame to the agencies and followed that up with a major restructuring to make it appear to the public that they had fixed the problem.

We have lost 8 years on every front imaginable. Worse than that we've not only lost time, but ground. We've actually gone backwards in every arena since 2000. Had we jumped on environmental issues in 2000, I wouldn't be nearly as pessimistic as I am now.


Shy Wolf said...

Interesting in that 'the next Prez will have to do something about 'global warming'' (Trying VERY hard to not laff.)
Don't you think people not having money to either: buy a car or buy gas for it, won't do something about 'global warming'? How about not having all those trucks and trains transporting food stuff all over the continent? Or all those planes flying around the world carrying Algorey to and fro? Gosh- let us not forget: how are people going to be able to afford the fuel oil or coal to heat their homes? All those will do much to offset 'global (chuckle) warming'.
God bless.

WizardSleeve said...

Well, that was one of many points covered. At this point if you don't believe that global warming exists, then I wouldn't begin to know how to extract your head from the sand...

Shy Wolf said...

Chuckling, Wiz- I do think there is 'global warming', just not the kind to get overly excited about the way the Algoreys want us to. Peter gives a very good example of global warming (2Peter 3.7).
It's the manner in which we are being lead into the idea that we, mere man, are actually to blame for what has been happening in the world since its creation.
My point here, though, is that those concerns will definitely be affected when TSHTF due to a lowering/lessoning of lifestyle- such as a return to a more primitive existence, an agrarian life or hunter-gatherer rather than importers/exporters of 'stuff' we don't need.
Sorry I was in such a sarcastic mood last nite- going to blame it on the Crazy Season we're in with our dotgov giving the country away.
Still, it won't be humans who solve the 'global warming' problems no matter how hard we try.

WizardSleeve said...

You don't think that carbon emissions have anything to do with it? At the very least you have to see that we're accelerating the problem.