30 January 2009

Class Warfare? Yes, and We're Losing...


This makes my blood boil. $14 B in bonuses paid while receiving taxpayer money to bail them out of gigantic losses? How is this possible?!

The last eight years have represented a major redistribution of wealth from the bottom and middle to the top. Millionaires have turned to billionaires and billionaires have become even more filthy rich. All the while the middle class has shrunk, poverty grown, wages stagnated, and expenses skyrocketed.

Maybe when they empty Gitmo of terrorism suspects they should fill it with robber baron CEOs. Fucking thieves!! They run their companies into the ground and still get billions in bonuses?! How the hell can any bonus be justified when they are laying employees off and losing money? My head is spinning... how can we tolerate this?

Thieves! Thieves! Oh, Christ! I'm infuriated. The only thing these guys are good at is stealing! They are incapable of running a company with competence, but man can they steal! Please explain to me how this is anything but out and out thievery. They get our money and put it in their pockets.

All the while the average American is losing their job, their home, their dignity, their healthcare... We are losing EVERYTHING, and these guys are getting even more rich!

How much damned money do they need? And to top it off they are utterly shameless about it. CitiGroup just was caught buying another corporate jet for $50 million. They didn't even have the decency to buy and American made jet (it was French) !! This after receiving $45B in taxpayer bailout money!

Shameless thievery!! Please, someone tell me why these guys shouldn't be strung up in the public square by their tender parts! I'm almost serious about this. In my mind this is nearly treasonous.

The nation is in dire financial straits and these guys are conducting business as usual - heaping money stolen from the public coffers on themselves, buying more jets and sacrificing nothing themsleves whilst laying off employees. The later of which has the effect of removing that much more money from the hands of consumers which further undercuts the segment of the economy (consumer spending) which accounts for 2/3 of all economic activity in our nation.

On top of it all, they get to keep their jobs!!! This blows my mind. If it weren't for these "economic geniuses" repackaging shaky mortgages into securities and selling them at 20-30 time their capitalization, we wouldn't be in this mess! They perpetrated fraud and then when the house of cards collapsed they got your money, my money, our money and proceeded to use it not to save jobs, not to keep credit flowing, but to put in their pockets!

Thank God I don't live anywhere near Wall Street. I'm so mad right now I just might do something stupid...

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