Where my socialists at? What! What!
Screw all you guys and your weak knees! Both of these groups are being wishy-washy and failing to have the courage of their own "convictions."
If you're a free market advocate then you have to be against any intervention by the government to save capitalism from itself. Let the chips fall where they may. Destruction is but the dawn of creation, right? Out of the ashes new enterprises will rise... stronger, leaner, more competitive. Innovation will save the day!
I don't see anyone espousing these ideas.
Stop snickering, you socialists! You don't even have the balls to openly call yourselves socialists! Ha! A real socialist would be standing in front of every mic and every camera screaming at America to wake up! Unbridled capitalism has failed you! Again! Nationalize the banks! Nationalize the automotive industry! And I don't mean these half-assed "bridge loans" or "bailouts", either. A socialist would advocate for open and total government control of these failed institutions. And don't kid yourselves - these are most definitely failed institutions. The writing has been on the wall for years and either through paralysis or willful blindness they failed to act in advance to save themselves.
Again - no one is openly advocating the government takeover of the means of production and capital.
Free market capitalists say "Ho!!"
Socialists say "Ho!!"
Hmmm... Maybe there are no real socialists or free market capitalists after all? Or not many, at least. In my humble opinion, we should go "all in" one way or the other. I'm tired of these half-measures that keep this crap limping along as-is.
In all honesty, our economy is a mixture of socialism and free market capitalism with a bit of a lean towards the free-market side of the equation.
So what do you want? The slow growth and predictable hum-drum of socialism or the roller coaster ride of boom and bust that is free market capitalism? There's no perfect economic formula, people. It just doesn't exist.
I just wish we'd be done with this - either we commit to an ideology and let that go where it may or we can drag this global economic collapse out for years and years and years. If we truly committed to an ideology, we could at least know once and for all which works and which doesn't...
Me, personally, I'd like to see it all go down the toilet. I have a feeling that's what's going to happen no matter what government does.
Life and existence in general resemble both systems, in some ways. Life is all about death and rebirth: the boom and bust of free market capitalism. Life also carries on - the more things change the more they stay the same: the safety net and static nature of socialism.
So what the hell? Let's try one of them out for once!
1 comment:
Yup, it's all goin' down one way or the other... Precisely because of the hodge podge approach by nanny.gov. I say let the free market reign myself. I also say the fedgov needs to get out of business and let the states decide what they want to do themselves. That was the Founders' original plan. Let the Republik of Kalifornia become a socialist state (as it has), then witness the failure and the flight of the people and businesses who are voting with their feet....
Likewise, those who wish to subject themselves to such nonsense are free to move there and dig in.
There will never be an end to the bickering, divisions, and strife until America is allowed to function as she was intended. There is no "one size fits all" approach, especially in a country so diverse. Ironically, fragmentation appears to be the best solution, not "unity at all cost". The fedgov needs to fade into the background, and resume it's historically intended role of providing for the common defense of the various states. Period. Independent states that is.....
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