Before I get any knee-jerk reactions to that last comment:
- No, I am not a major lefty Democrat. I voted Democrat this last election because the Republicans have screwed the pooch so badly these last 8 years and I felt I had to "vote the bums out."
- I have voted for Republicans in the past.
- I know many politicians will contradict themselves, but rarely do they do it so blatantly and in the same breath.
- Yes, I have specific examples to provide...
Just last night in Bush's Farewell Address he said the following (a verbatim quote):
And with strong allies at our side, we have taken the fight to the terrorists and those who support them. Afghanistan has gone from a nation where the Taliban harbored Al Qaeda and stoned women in the streets to a young democracy that is fighting terror and encouraging girls to go to school. Iraq has gone from a brutal dictatorship and a sworn enemy of America to an Arab democracy at the heart of the Middle East and a friend of the United States.
This was done by means of invasion and war. In both nations there have been innocent civilian casualties. No one knows for certain, but the lowest, most conservative estimates I can find on the Iraqi civilian death toll are in the 60,000-90,000 range (and those estimates are months old).
Now I understand that the enemy over there often fires RPGs and mortars from within homes of terrified civilians. I understand almost all of the combat is taking place in urban, close-quarter conditions. I do not in any way condemn our soldiers for doing a very hard job with exceptional professionalism and bravery. I place the blame squarely where it belongs: on the shoulders of the country's political leadership of which Bush is the Commander in Chief.
Not five minutes later in the very same speech Bush goes on to say (another direct quote from the transcripts):
As we address these challenges - and others we cannot foresee tonight - America must maintain our moral clarity. I have often spoken to you about good and evil. This has made some uncomfortable. But good and evil are present in this world, and between the two there can be no compromise. Murdering the innocent to advance an ideology is wrong every time, everywhere. Freeing people from oppression and despair is eternally right. This nation must continue to speak out for justice and truth. We must always be willing to act in their defense and to advance the cause of peace.
So what exactly did we do by invading a nation like Iraq to advance the ideology of freedom? Was the cause of peace advanced through a war of choice? Did we not kill innocent civilians by the thousands? Is that not the inevitable and utterly predictable outcome of any war?
Afghanistan is different - they actually attacked us whereas Iraq did not attack us nor did they have the WMD that the Administration said they did. They willfully bent intelligence to sell this war in order to advance the ideology of freedom in the Middle East and killed thousands of everyday Iraqi citizens in the process. So, by Bush's own logic: "Murdering the innocent to advance an ideology is wrong every time, everywhere" is he not condemning the actions he himself ordered?
I fail to see how dropping a 500 lb bomb from miles in the air and killing civilians to promote the ideology of freedom is so different from a car bomb killing innocents to promote any other ideology. It is all murder by Bush's own logic. Meaning well doesn't make the families killed in either form of attack any less dead. It doesn't make the survivors mourn the loss of loved ones any less. It doesn't engender any less hate.
And this bit:
As we address these challenges - and others we cannot foresee tonight - America must maintain our moral clarity.
Moral clarity like Abu Ghraib? Moral clarity like Guantanamo? Moral clarity like secret prisons and renditions? Moral clarity like tapping the phones of your own citizens?
Regardless of where you come down on these issues you have to admit that they are morally murky at best. You have to admit that patriotic Americans of the best intentions and of all political stripes can have honest disagreements about the morality (and legality, for that matter) of the above actions undertaken by this Administration. That is the very antithesis of "moral clarity."
And if you are of the mindset that the "world is grey" (and I would tend to agree), and that moral clarity is at best elusive, then why would you make absolute statements like the ones Bush made in his speech? The contradictions and hypocrisy are built right in by his very own actions as President!
I dunno about you, but in the news I've been listening to, Soterobama hasn't even taken office yet and he's already renegged on many of the promises he made on the trail. We're trading a known quantity for one we can be reasonably certain is going to be worse, I'm afraid. So, in my book, though he did a lot I didn't like, GW wasn't that bad. He did keep the terrorists away with his policies, though some didn't help Americans any. He knew there is no discussion with someone whose stated goal is to kill you, you have to act.
Too, he shouldn't have gone along with appeasing the libs as he did with many of his policies, for which I do not hold him in any regard.
Hey Shy,
Maybe you could provide some examples of what promises Obama has renegged on? I am not saying it hasn't happened, just asking to get an example along with the accusation.
Also, how did Bush ever appease the liberals?
Finally, Bush's Presidency didn't start September 12,2001. So, aside from allowing the single greatest terrorist attack in history to occur on American soil - yeah, he did a real bang up job keeping us safe!
Just so you know, I'm not being combative... just talking here.
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